Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Australia Siapkan 145 Beasiswa untuk Sulsel

Info ini penting bari mereka yang ingin mendapatkan beasiswa studi lanjut ke luar negeri. Manfaatkan peluang ini.
Pemerintah Australia menyiapkan sebanyak 145 beasiswa S1 dan S2 kepada pelajar dan mahasiswa Sulawesi Selatan untuk belajar di Negeri Kanguru tersebut.

Kesempatan belajar gratis tersebut disampaikan Minister Counselor Bidang Politik dan Ekonomi Kedutaan Besar Australia untuk Indonesia, Michael Bliss usai melakukan pertemuan dengan Ketua DPRD Sulsel, Moh Roem di Makassar, Selasa.

Ia menyebut, beasiswa tersebut sebagai bentuk penghargaan pemerintah Australia atas kemajuan sistem politik di Indonesia dari tingkat pusat sampai daerah.

"Kami sangat kagum dengan sistem demokrasi di Indonesia saat ini, sampai di tingkat provinsi dan kabupaten. Kami sudah ketemu dengan Gubernur dan Ketua DPRD Sulsel dan daerah ini sangat maju," ucapnya.

Bliss menyebut, pemerintahnya juga akan memberikan bantuan untuk pendidikan politik kepada Indonesia, untuk sistem pemerintahan demokrasi yang lebih baik lagi.

Ia mengklaim Australia telah membangun 301 sekolah di Indonesia, termasuk Sulsel, dan masih akan ditingkatkan di 2011.

Australia juga menjajaki berbagai kerjasama dengan Sulsel, termasuk pembangunan jalan nasional sepanjang 140 kilo meter termasuk lintas selatan Sulsel, Jeneponto-Sinjai yang sementara dikerjakan, peternakan sapi, maupun bidang pertanian.

Khusus peternakan sapi, disebutnya menjadi prioritas utama investasi Australia di Sulsel.

"Sulsel beda dengan daerah lain, pertumbuhan ekonominya cukup tinggi, Makassar adalah pintu gerbang bagian timur, kaya sumber daya alam," ujar Bliss mengemukakan sebagai pertimbangan Pemerintah Australia menjadikan Sulsel daerah investasi utama.


Senin, 17 Januari 2011

Info Beasiswa StuNed - Master Programme

Terbuka kesempata mendapat beasiswa StuNed untuk Master Programme. Buruan...

Persyaratan Umum

Warga Negara Indonesia, Dibuktikan dengan: fotokopi KTP atau Kartu Dinas Pegawai Negeri.
Diterima di salah satu program master yang diselenggarakan oleh institusi pendidikan tinggi di Belanda, Dibuktikan dengan: Surat penerimaan (admission letter) dari universitas di Belanda yang mencantumkan�dengan jelas nama program studi, tanggal awal dan akhir program studi yang dipilih serta total biaya perkuliahan.
Pendidikan minimal S1 atau setara dan dapat menunjukkan bukti prestasi akademik (IPK min. 2,75); Dibuktikan dengan: transkrip dan ijazah yang dilegalisir dengan tanggal dan tahun kelulusan tercantum didalamnya.
Pengalaman kerja (setelah lulus S1) minimal 2 tahun di institusi terakhir, Dibuktikan dengan: Fotokopi Surat Keputusan pengangkatan pegawai (SK) atau kontrak kerja.
Persetujuan dari institusi; Dibuktikan dengan: Pernyataan resmi dari pimpinan institusi di atas materai yang menyatakan bahwa stafnya diizinkan untuk studi di Belanda. Pernyataan ini dituliskan di formulir StuNed.
Pernyataan bersedia mengikuti dan menyelesaikan seluruh perkuliahan selama menerima beasiswa yang dituliskan di formulir StuNed;
Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang baik; Dibuktikan dengan: hasil Internet Based Test (IBT) TOEFL dengan skor minimal 79, atau IELTS minimal 6.0.
Riwayat hidup (Curriculum Vitae) dengan menggunakan formulir standar yang terdapat di website;
Prioritas diberikan untuk staf mitra kerja Kedutaan Besar Belanda;
Tidak ada batas umur;
Formulir StuNed � program master klik di sini


Pilihan program studi

Semua program studi master dapat dilihat di www.studyinholland.nl dengan masa studi maksimal 2 tahun.
Deadline : 31 Maret 2011

Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

Lowongan Kerja di Timika

Dear All

Ada info lowongan kerja untuk di daerah tambang timika dengan Posisi sebagai berikut :
1. Supervisor
2. Mekanik Alat Berat
3. Mekanik Mobil/Truck
4. Electrical
5. Welder
6. Operator Alat berat
7. Civil Work / kepala tukang/ mandor.
Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di masing2 posisi, usia maksimal 40 thn

Kirim lamaran ke PT. Osate Seike. Jl. Dr Sam Ratulangi No. 7-B11 (depan BPD Sul-Sel) Makassar
Email : semuelpascoal@gmail.com , dtree75@yahoo.com

Batas akhir 13 january 2011
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang dipanggil interview.


Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

12 PhD Studentships at Bloomsbury Colleges, London, UK

The Bloomsbury Colleges PhD Studentships

The Bloomsbury Colleges consortium brings together six University of London colleges comprising Birkbeck (Bbk), Institute of Education (IoE), London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), Royal Veterinary College (RVC), School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) and The School of Pharmacy (SoP).

The consortium is offering twelve PhD Studentships, each of three years duration, to start October 2011. The Studentships will cover course fees (at the usual level for UK and EU Studentships) and a student stipend. They will encompass a wide range of topics spanning the biomedical and social sciences, reflecting the diversity of disciplines represented in the consortium. The Studentships will be supervised by two of the partner colleges with the lead college indicated after each Studentship.

Click on a Studentship from the list below for further details and application links.

Please note that the deadlines may differ between Studentships.

Studentships 2011

•Stakeholder perception of flood-risk (Birkbeck)
•Structural and functional studies of the Hsp90‐dependent phosphatase PP5 in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (Birkbeck)
•Gender violence and adult learning in post‐apartheid South Africa (Institute of Education) *
•Mechanisms of social influence in typical development and autism (Institute of Education)
•Evaluation of foot and mouth disease vaccine coverage, effectiveness and impact in Turkey and Iran (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)*
•Integrated informatics and statistical tools to assist the translation of pathogen sequencing data derived from new sequencing technologies (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
•Quantitative and qualitative investigations of mental health and wellbeing in veterinary, pharmacy and other undergraduate students (Royal Veterinary College)
•The effect of missense mutations on the role of Fukutin related protein (FKRP) (Royal Veterinary College)
•Agricultural and health input subsidies in development: inter‐sectoral lessons from theory and practice (School of Oriental and African Studies) *
•Intelligent Hands: a cross‐cultural study of apprenticeship and skilled work (School of Oriental and African Studies) *
•Role of gastrointestinal microbiota in the development of Escherichia coli K1 neonatal meningitis (The School of Pharmacy)
•The Viral Achilles Heel: The nucleocapsid protein of FIV and related lentiviruses as a therapeutic target (The School of Pharmacy)

*These four Studentships are related to international development and include additional funding for field research. For more information, please visit the LIDC website at this link http://www.lidc.org.uk/news_detail.php?news_id=110


Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP) 2011

Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP) is now accepting applications for admission to the 2011 fall semester, and applications are due before 31 March, 2011

TIGP now also offers the option to apply online for admission to the program. If you wish to learn more about our online application system, please via the website at http://db1x.sinica.edu.tw/tigp/ .


30 Post-doctoral Fellowships in Belgium

30 Post-doc Fellowships available at the Universities of the Académie Louvain

Incoming post-doctoral fellowships of the Académie universitaire Louvain (AUL) are offered to scientists from all nationalities in order to strengthen the bilateral S&T collaborations as well as the realisation of the European Research Area.

They are assigned to researchers with a PhD degree (or equivalent), proving their expertise and research capacity by a personal scientific record.

The researchers must not have spent more than 24 months out of the last 3 years in Belgium.

The Fellowships, granted for a stay of 12 to 24 months in one of the Académie universitaire Louvain research unit, concern all fields of research activities dealt with by the AUL.

The amount includes a monthly allowance, social security coverage, insurance expenses and an annual bench fee of 2.500 to 5000 eur for the person concerned.


1. Aim of the action

The stimulation of international mobility and the attraction of researchers from abroad is one of the priorities of the European Research Area.

The Académie universitaire Louvain (AUL) is contributing to this objective by granting post-doc fellowships to highly qualified foreign scientists inviting them to work in a Belgian research team during a certain period of time. The ultimate aim is to establish S&T collaborations and lasting networks between the respective research teams.

2. Eligible scientists

The AUL Incoming post-doc Fellowships are addressed to :

- experienced researchers, holding a doctor's degree or have a similar research experience *;

- researchers with more than 10 years of research experience will not be eligible;

- not having spent more than 24 month, out of the last 3 years in Belgium

* Experienced researchers are defined as researchers having at least 4 years of research experience (full-time equivalent) since gaining a university diploma giving them access to doctoral studies (the degree must entitle the holder to embark on doctoral studies, without having to acquire any further qualifications), in the country in which the degree/diploma was obtained or researchers already in possession of a doctoral degree, independently of the time taken to acquire it.

3. Duration of the stay : from 12 to 24 months

4. Research fields and potential host units

The considered exchanges must take place in the frame of the ongoing research activities taking place in a research unit of one of the 4 Universities composing the Académie universitaire Louvain, namely :

- Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve or Brussels (Woluwé)) : www.uclouvain.be
- Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix – Namur : www.fundp.ac.be
- Facultés Universitaires Catholiques de Mons : www.fucam.ac.be
- Facultés Universitaires Saint Louis – Brussels : www.fusl.ac.be

5. Submission of applications

The application forms are introduced to the -Académie universitaire Louvain (crec-adre@uclouvain.be) by the AUL promoter and have to be accompanied by:

- a list of scientific publications of the candidate;
- a description of the research project to be performed during the sojourn;
- a recommendation letter from the director of the candidate's home institute describing the added value of the mission and confirming the possibility that the fellowship holder will be able to resume his/her activities after the stay in Belgium;
- a motivation letter from the AUL promoter.

Only complete applications will be taken into consideration.

Research Fields

The fellowship comprises:

- a net monthly allowance, taking into account the experience of the fellow ;
- a bench fee of 5.000 eur/year for laboratory-based research or 2.500/year for non-laboratory based research;
- the personal liability insurance costs;
- the contribution to the National Office of Social Security

Comment/web site for additional job details

Master Scholarships at Katholieke Univ. Leuven, Belgium

Science@Leuven Scholarship

Application for the Science@Leuven Scholarship 2011-2012 is open from the 1st of December 2010.

The Faculty of Science of the K.U.Leuven and its Alumni Association Science@Leuven are proud to announce The Science@Leuven Scholarship!

Motivated and talented international students, interested in participating in an international master programme of the Faculty of Science of the K.U.Leuven are invited to apply for a scholarship.

Which masters give the right to apply for the Scholarship? :

Master of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Master of Biology, Master of Molecular and Cellular Biophysics, Master of Chemistry, Master of Physics, Master of Geology, Master of Geography, Master of Mathematics and the Master of Statistics.

Amount of Scholarship

The amount of the scholarship can be up to 8.000 Euro for 1 year. The Board of the Science@Leuven Fund will decide exactly how much a scholarship will be. The scholarship will always cover the tuition fee for 1 year, the insurance and a basic health insurance coverage. The amount awarded for living expenses can vary.

Most master programmes of the Faculty of Science are 2-year programmes. A scholarship for the second master year will be only be continued for students having had outstanding results the first master year.

Admission requirements

Applicants must meet and prove the following requirements:

the applicants have not studied or worked at the University of Leuven before, the applicants have a bachelor degree from a foreign university that gives them access to the master programme they are applying for, the applicants can prove having had excellent study results during their former training, the applicants show strong motivation to follow a master programme at the Faculty of Science of the K.U.Leuven the applicants are willing to act as an ambassador for the programme.


Applications for the academic year 2011-2012 will open the 1st of December.

Selection Procedure (for 2011-2012)
The applicants fill out the application form of the International Office to apply for admission to the K.U.Leuven.
The applicants note in the application form that they want to apply for the Science@Leuven Scholarship.
Next to the information required by the International Office, the applicants also upload the following information: results of their former studies, a letter of motivation and two references of professors.
The selection of the students take place in June 2011.


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